Find The Perfect Size For Your Mirror

A tool to help you visualize your wall mirror. Scroll below for FAQs and the option to visualize a mirror using photos of your space.

Mirrors in the green zone are well-proportioned, while those in the red zone are either too small or too large relative to what's below.

Width: 18"
Height: 18"
Console Table

Understanding the Ratios

Choosing the right size mirror involves understanding the visual balance between your mirror and the console or furniture piece it will be positioned above. Mirrors that are 50-75% the width of your console will typically look well-balanced and aesthetically pleasing; these are shown in green. Those outside this range, marked in red, can feel either too overpowering or too undersized.

Visual Principles:

  • Proportion: Generally, a mirror should be between half to three-quarters the width of the furniture piece it accompanies. This ensures that the mirror doesn't overpower the console, but also isn't too diminutive to be noticed.
  • Scale: This refers to the size comparison between the mirror and other items in the room. A well-scaled mirror will complement its surroundings without making them feel cramped or overly spacious.
  • Balance: Achieving visual harmony in a room often involves balancing size and placement. The ideal mirror size should create a balanced look above your console or furniture piece, offering symmetry and cohesiveness in the design.

Need Help?

If you need assistance, upload a photo, choose the shapes you are interested in, and provide your email address. We will get back to you with recommendations.